Fibroid Without Operation Foods

Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous tumors that
grow within the wall of the uterus. Fibroids,
known technically as leiomyomata, can vary in
size and number and may be accompanied by
infertility, miscarriage, and early onset of labor.
Most American women will develop fibroids at
some point in their lives. One study found that,
by age 50, 70 percent of whites and 80 percent of
African Americans had fibroids. In many cases,
fibroids are believed not to cause symptoms, and
in such cases women may be unaware they have

According to “What Your Doctor May Not Tell You
About Fibroids.” Many women have them and
never know, but they can cause symptoms that
significantly lower your quality of life. Eating the
right foods helps to shrink fibroids by lowering
estrogen levels naturally.
Fibroids are small, noncancerous growths on the
uterus. In some cases, they can cause pain,
excessive bleeding and even infertility.
A surgical procedure to remove the uterus
called a hysterectomy is a guaranteed way
to get rid of fibroids. Although the cause of
fibroids is unknown, fibroid growth is linked to estrogen, according to Medline Plus.

Drugs can block or suppress estrogen in order to
treat fibroids. Gonadotropin releasing hormone
medication can shrink fibroids by 30 to 90
percent by causing the ovaries to stop making
estrogen, according to “The New York Times.”
Fibroids often shrink when women go through
menopause, which is a time when they make less
estrogen. Eating foods that reduce estrogen levels
may therefore also shrink fibroids.
The most important thing you can do to combat
fibroids with your diet is to eat a high-fiber diet of
vegetable-based foods. Aim for at least 20 to 30
grams of fiber daily, according to the authors of

“What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About
Premenopause.” Apples, whole grains, oatmeal,
nuts and seeds are all good sources of fiber.
Eating a high-fiber diet helps significantly
decrease your circulating estrogen levels. Too
much estrogen causes your uterus to grow
excessively, which
sometimes causes fibroids.
Less estrogen because of diet may cause your
fibroids to shrink as your estrogen levels lower,
just as fibroids shrink during menopause or when
taking estrogen-loweri ng medications.
Phytoestrogens Eating a vegetable-based diet is
important because plant foods contain
substances called phytoestrogens, or plant
These substances bind themselves to the same
cell receptors as estrogen. This blocks estrogen’s
ability to affect your cells. Without the excess
estrogen causing your uterus to grow, it can
shrink along with your fibroids.
Foods with high amounts of phytoestrogens
include soy products, nuts, seeds and ground
flaxseeds. Dr. Michael T. Murray, author of more
than 30 books and a member of the Board of
Regents of Bastyr University in Washington,
recommends eating one to two tablespoons of
ground flaxseeds every day.
Foods to avoid – Avoiding certain foods may also
help lower estrogen levels. Dr. Murray suggests
avoiding sugar, caffeine and saturated fat.
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What symptoms do fibroids cause?
Most fibroids cause no symptoms at all.
Depending on their size, location and number,
fibroids can become significantly problematic.

Some common symptoms associated with
fibroids include:
Abnormal uterine bleeding, heavy or long
Bulk and pressure symptoms
Bladder pressure, frequent urination
Rectal pressure, constipation
Infertility or recurrent miscarriages/pregnancy
Pregnancy complications
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